A letter to my future husband | Personal
Happy anniversary my love.
It feels like these last 5 years were have gone by in the blink of an eye. Each year I'm always amazed at how quickly our anniversary shows up. This is our last one before we become husband and wife. Those words sound so foreign, yet so perfect and familiar at the same time. I have always known it was you. Before we ever started dating, I knew my life would never be boring with you in it. And I was right. Every day isn't perfect; our home isn't always tidy. dinner isn't more than guacamole and cheese, and there's a good chance I've asked you for my millionth back rub. But its our life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love the home we have built together, the adventures we have (oh the many adventures-Remember that time I cried on the top of Beirstadt in Colorado?) and the quiet moments of just being together. I love that on Saturday mornings we take our time getting up, and now in the winter we lay by our fire for hours. Thank you for waking up in the middle of the night when I don't feel good and rubbing my back until I can fall asleep, for telling me how it is even when I'm so wrong, always carrying the heaviest of the grocery bags, and for always always always emptying the dishwasher because you know how I hate to. I love this season of life, specifically I love life with you and I wouldn't want to do it any other way.
"I have found the one whom my soul loves."