I'm a nomad | Personal
I'm a nomad. Well, in the sense that my favorite place in our home changes. For a very long time, it used to be our bed. My bed was always (and still is) my sanctuary, my safe spot. I curl under the covers and instantly calm down. I would study, edit, Pinterest all from our bed. Regardless of the time of day. When we lived in Baltimore, it was quieter in our bedroom so that's where I often retreated. Since moving to Columbia, our place is MUCH quieter AND we have so much more light. I mean oodles and oodles more light. As a photographer, you can imagine how happy I was that we face south and get so much natural light! Anyways, I digress.

We finally purchased a new couch back in December (for the last 3 years we were using an old one from Bryce's parents). I have spent quite a bit of time on said couch during my almost 2 months off from clinicals. Thus, the couch became my new favorite spot. It's an L-shaped couch so I can face the window or the tv (Those are tough decisions to make I tell ya). The beauty of using a laptop is I can make the couch my office for the day. I have done that plenty. Pretty much my whole website redesign came from the couch.
Around the same time as the couch purchase, we also got a new desk. Both from World Market; LOVE their stuff but their shipping is a nightmare (another story for another day). Our old desk was tiny. Think a sofa table. In fact, we turned it into a bar in our dining room. I swear you can't even tell it was a desk! So I didn't feel bad about upgrading to a much bigger desk. In fact, it's so big that Bryce and I can both sit at it and have room to spare. As someone who likes to spread out, I love my desk. As much as I love our desk, I don't love our office/spare bedroom/laundry drying spot/adventure gear/music studio. It houses so many things that its really cluttered. Organization pours from my bones. Even as a kid I would rearrange my room for the heck of it. So you can imagine how much this room must drive me nuts. That being said, I didn't want to spend much time in it (despite the AMAZING light. 2 windows and a windowed door in a small space, means that it practically glows all day long!). However, recently I have taken on the task of organizing everything starting with the desk, and will be moving on to the closet/bookshelf soon. Right, this post was about me any my ever evolving favorite space. So right now, I'm loving my desk because it's organized, yet inspiring which is exactly what my desk space should be.
But who knows. Tomorrow I could be back to the couch.